Pills, Pills & More Pills…

T cell

It’s spell-bounding and worrisome to see how many pills an average person consumes on a regular basis. Pills for headache, fever, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high blood sugar, low blood sugar, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, hormonal pills to get pregnant, to not get pregnant and the list continues. It almost makes me feel that we were born with numerous manufacturing defects and we try to fix everything with pills.

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Obsessed With Shoes!

Obsessed with Shoes

We are what we are as a result of thousands of years of evolution. Evolution is a mechanism of adaptation built in everything – living or dead. It progresses completely based on our environment – both internal and external. Some might argue that evolution only applies to living creatures. So here’s my argument against it. Take a piece of rough stone with rugged edges and place it in a shallow river so it is submerged. Over time, it will get eroded in order to take a shape that allows the water to pass around it in the smoothest and most organic way, offering the least resistance to the flow of water. That’s evolution.

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7 Days Water Fasting Diary

Retreat Brunch

Just another of my whims :)! Fasting has always fascinated me. I practiced intermittent fasting for a very long time and am well familiar with the benefits of it. However, I wasn’t quite convinced of what good longer fasting could do to you. Last week, I came across a Facebook post in a popular community, where someone asked exactly the same question. The post received numerous responses, mostly from people like me, who thought it’s a ridiculous idea. But the thought somehow stuck with me. I did some internet searches and got curious of what impact this might have on the body. And what better way to find that out than test it on your own body :D. It will be more interesting as I am a movement teacher. As such, I need to continue my workouts and teach 4 classes a day. My hypothesis is this should be a good thing. The constant workouts will make sure that I do not lose muscle mass and most of the nutrition would be taken from the stored fat. Additionally, doing exercises tend to kill my hunger. So, I decided to start my fast after my dinner on 3rd Feb. I also wanted to write this blog to keep account of what I feel as the days go by. So here you go. I will keep updating this blog.

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Is Free Diving really as crazy as it sounds?


I got introduced to Scuba diving about 8 years back in a small island called Havelock in the Andaman Sea. I was fascinated with the underwater world and got hooked straight away. Over the next year, I got my certification for Open Water and Advanced Open Water. I was also considering trying out Tech diving in order to be able to dive deeper. Right when I was pondering upon my options, I came across freediving while browsing through Instagram. I learnt that free diving is all about revisiting our mammalian reflexes and controlling your mind – go into a super relaxed, meditative mode to reduce oxygen consumption. I was fascinated. Needless to say, I tried to hold my breath while lying down on my bed with a stop watch in my hand – I barely made it to 40 seconds. Continue reading “Is Free Diving really as crazy as it sounds?”

Discovering Budokon

BDK Skandasana

Before discovering Budokon, I was a typical “yoga not for men” kind of a guy for a really long time, doing a desk type of job for even longer. I always felt that something isn’t quite right, but I really did not know what else I could do better? I have trained myself for 30+ years of my life to do the job that I do. It’s a scary thought to explore an unknown terrain. But you know what – if I don’t try, I would keep on wondering forever.  Continue reading “Discovering Budokon”

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